Financial Risk Managers (FRMs)
An FRM identifies threats to assets, earning capacity, or the success of an organization. FRMs may work in financial services, banking, loan origination, trading, or marketing. Many specialize in areas like credit or market risk.
FRMs determine risk by analyzing financial markets and the global environment to predict changes or trends. It is also the FRM’s role to develop strategies to counteract the effects of potential risks.

- Foundations of Risk Management
- Quantitative Analysis
- Financial Markets and Products
- Valuations and Risk Models
- Market Risk
- Credit Risk
- Operational Risk and Resiliency
- Treasury and Liquidity Risk Management
- Risk Management and Investment Management
- Current Issues in Financial Markets
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GARP-approved and Highly Trusted exam prep provider for FRM
Complete Study Package
Access to Study Material, Question banks, Mock Exams and Formula Sheets.
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The cost of AnalystPrep on its own is $600. However, for Guru Academy Students it is available at no extra cost.
OFFERINGS | Weekend |
Part I | Rs 40,000/- |
Part II | Rs 40,000/- |
Both | Rs 80,000/- |
The FRM course has 10 total competencies in financial risk, which are broken down into 2 parts. The 1st part contains 4 competencies, which emphasizes on financial risk, and the 2nd part contains the next 6 competencies which tests application of tools acquired in part 1. Both the parts need to be cleared in order to complete the course. The FRM Exam process is sequential. Candidates must pass Exam Part I before their Exam Part II will be graded.
Recognition of FRM is equivalent to a master’s degree.
Part 1 is offered via computer-based testing (CBT) in May, August and November (2022). Part 2 is offered via CBT in May and November 2022.
Candidates that take Exam Part II prior to receiving a passing score on Exam Part I (e.g., candidates that take Exam Part II in the same month that they take Exam Part I) will not have their Exam Part II graded if they fail Exam Part I. Candidates must take and pass Part II within four years of passing Part I.
Based on the aspirant’s focus and dedication, it takes a minimum of 1 year to finish both the exams of the FRM course.